Friday, June 08, 2007


Yepp, that I did do a lot today. In order to change that I will have to remember to take my medicine every day and not just every other, actually wash my hair in the evening not in the morning and only open my window in the morning and late evening.
Furthermore I managed to clean my room today which took a long time and many more atishoos, but atleast it's clean and almost free of pollen!
I've got a picture to prove it:

The cleanest it has been for over a month(yes, I know that is kind of urghhs, but I hate to clean my room). And I got rid of a couple of dust catchers, they are pretty to look at, but impossible to clean so they had to go.

In knitting news not much has happened today as it's incredible warm, but I started knitting the somewhat cowl from knit and tonic awhile ago. I changed the increases a lot because of the skinny arms mentioned in the last post and am now knitting the sleeves. This is my second try at the pattern. My first got frogged cause the yarn I used was a very slippery cotton yarn and I was only able to knit two rows before my wrists started to hurt.

Now all I have to find is something to knit while it's so warm outside, maybe some cotton socks since I need another pair anyway?

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