Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spinning and knitting

I really needed a break after this marathon learning. I swear I have never ever in my life learned so much in such a short time! And there's still much to learn for math...
Anyway I finally had the time to browse all the blogs and forums, which took quite some time. Especially since everyone except me appears to post more regularly, like 5times a week or more!
I'm never going to achieve that even if I don't have so much to do. How do these people manage to post so often?

Well, ok let me try to altleast make this entry worth reading ;-)
Here's the yarn I have spun so far ordered chronologically from left to right. As you can probably see, I'm getting better. In the last skein(far right) there are whole sections spun evenly! It's a lot easier than I thought and alot easier than spindle spinning. Atleast for me.
The only problem now is, that eventhough I still have quite some fiber here, they are all in fleece form(not sure about the proper name of it all). They are partly combed I think, but the fiber that came with the wheel is not(or not much anyway). I found it easier to spin the purple roving I had although it had felted a little bit after dyeing it. But can I really justify buying more fiber? I've spend much to much already on various yarns etc.(including buying the spinning wheel of course).I'll have to wait untill next month anyway as I'm almost broke at the moment(after I had to buy a Deuser-Band to build up my muscles and therefore stabilize my knee). I think I'm going to buy(if I buy any) some Space from Wollknoll or the muticolored fiber...

Totally forgot to post my second last finished object(the last one is a present for my Wollprinzessin, so I can't show it to you now). It's the sweater from the Rebecca mag. It looks much better in person, especially when someone is wearing it;-) But as always there's nobody here to take a photo. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the fact that it's a bit bulky at the back and side. Of course you couldn't see that in the mag photo!

And here are my current knitting projects. Some socks for me and to better show the pattern of the mock-me-not socks(eventhough the photo is just slightly better...damn camera!), the black circular lace shawl with "only" the edging missing and a Cozy out of Kauni again. Yes, I brought more yarn. I tried to resist, but when Uta had free shipping I took it as a sign ;-)

I also brought this sock yarn. Well, actually the left was brought by my mum. No, she still refuses to learn sock knitting, she expects me to knit her a pair....


Blogger PURLPOWER said...

Your entries are always worth reading, it doesn't matter how frequently or infrequently you post - it's quality not quantity that counts!

The spinning looks great, especially the one on the far right. I have to get to grips with my new spinning wheel soon.

8:32 PM, February 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liebe Janin!

Ich wollte nur mal ein ganz kurzes Lebenszeichen bitten und mir gleichzeitig Asche auf mein Haupt streuen, weil ich mich erst so spät melde und Dein Päckchen noch gar nicht unterwegs zu Dir ist, obwohl es schon längst da sein sollte!
Ich mach grad Praktikum *verrat* und habs zeitmäßig voll unterschätzt ;(

Aaaaber ein bißchen was hab ich schon zusammengetragen, es fehlt aber noch was ;)

Ich hoffe, Du hast noch ein bißchen Geduld und bist nicht böse mit mir!

Deine Wollfee!

4:30 PM, March 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ehm, GEBEN wollte ich ein Lebenszeichen, nicht bitten *rotwerd*

4:31 PM, March 04, 2006  

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