Sunday, June 25, 2006


Apart from watching football and knitting like a maniac, I was in Cuxhaven yesterday morning. We drove there to visit my grand-aunts and to go to a fleamarket. I didn't found much and totally forgot to take any pictures as I had planned.
Here's what I brought, three embroidery hoops and a cross stitch mag:

On our way back home(rather in a hurry cause it takes 2 hours from Cuxhaven to Hamburg, remember the football game!) we stopped by one of the many fish shops(it's a street block full of them and there are restaurants too). Here's what my dad and I got(can't understand my mum and bro don't like them, though that means more for dad and me ;-)):

And finally a knitting picture. This is the back of Ruby casted on friday late evening(others would probably call it night). The yarn is wonderfull to knit since it's a cotton acrylic mix. I had had some problems with 100% cotton lately especially if it's mercerized!
My gauge is slightly of so I casted on for a larger size and so far it goes well.

And these are my new wrist warmers! The yarn is so soft and cuddly it just screamed wrist hugger! I didn't follow any pattern here, but I'm sure there are already enough of these on the net, so I'm not going to post a pattern.(and yes, those really are my nails, not fake ones!)


Blogger Becka said...

YUM...the picture of shrimp is making me hongry!!! (that's southern for very hungry). You are speed knitting, girl! Everything looks great!!

5:44 PM, June 25, 2006  

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