Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ravelry, finally!

Yes, I got my invite today! I was soooooo happy when I got it and at the same time sad, because I had to wait till this evening to play with it eventhough I was sitting at the computer the whole day more or less.
But homework, atleast important homework that is due the same day till midnight, comes first. Especially when you're doing it all alone eventhough you're in a group of four. Can't complain though because I didn't contributed much to our first few homework exercises.
Anyway, Ravelry is much fun and worth the wait, really. I still can't believe how fast they add new people to it, knowing a bit of what it must take to programm it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You found me!

1:18 AM, July 04, 2007  

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