I took part in this(sorry, leads to a german site):
Basically everyone who joined send off a package to FrauLiebe with five 50cm X 50cm pieces of cotton fabric and you get five different pieces back.
Here's what I send*:
And here's what I got:
I am pretty happy about the fabrics I got, eventhough two are from Ikea. I personally wouldn't send any of that since every sewer near an Ikea probably has enough of it. If I had gotten any of the other Ikea fabric I had spotted and own more then 3 meters each myself I might have been a bit more "meh". But I don't own or don't own anymore** of those two fabrics so I am a happy girl.
* Yes, I actually own 3 yards of the top fabric. It was just too kitschy and hilarious to pass up.
** Actually gave all the leftovers of the flower fabric away years ago and later on regretted it very much!
Basically everyone who joined send off a package to FrauLiebe with five 50cm X 50cm pieces of cotton fabric and you get five different pieces back.
Here's what I send*:
And here's what I got:
I am pretty happy about the fabrics I got, eventhough two are from Ikea. I personally wouldn't send any of that since every sewer near an Ikea probably has enough of it. If I had gotten any of the other Ikea fabric I had spotted and own more then 3 meters each myself I might have been a bit more "meh". But I don't own or don't own anymore** of those two fabrics so I am a happy girl.
* Yes, I actually own 3 yards of the top fabric. It was just too kitschy and hilarious to pass up.
** Actually gave all the leftovers of the flower fabric away years ago and later on regretted it very much!
Oh, der kitschige Liebespaarstoff ist von dir. Über den habe ich mich am meisten gefreut! Du hast sogar einen von meinen abbekommen. Über den Ikeastoff, den ich bekommen habe, habe ich mich ein wenig geärgert. Das ist absolut unoriginell. Außerdem war das Muster so groß, dass man mit den 50x50cm nix anfangen kann.
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