Thursday, December 21, 2006

5 good things

So, kgoodrow posted "5 Good Things about Yesterday" and I thought I would give it a try too:

1. I didn't wash my hair and wasn't embarrassed to show up at campus at all! It has its ups to study computer science ;-)

2. I wasn't able to complete my homework, but at the end of the 2 hours lab work I almost had it right + I understood what the **** I was doing!(note: nobody had a working solution done and the instructor didn't really care)

3. It didn't rained...or did it? Well, atleast I can't remember that it rained!

4. I finished plying some yarn!

...Hmm, that's harder than I thought! Honestly I can't remember much about yesterday...

5. I had delicious ice cream.

Maybe I should have done a "5 Good Things about Today", not that so much more happened today, but I can remember today better than yesterday. Not a good sign for one so young...

P.S.: If your day so far hasn't been much on the bright side turn on your speakers and listen to number 7 here



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